FREECALL 1300 791 740

ONE WAY Nordic Walking Wrist Strap and Click Point System

Nordic Walking poles are specially designed poles.

The main point of difference is the wrist strap. While hiking or trekking poles as well as minor Nordic Walking poles come with a 'loop' to put your hand through, proper Nordic Walking poles provide a wrist strap which is essential to perform the correct technique, but also provides additional benefits, namely the ability to apply more pressure on the pole thus reducing the stress on the lower body even further and working the upper body even more. The wrist strap allows users to let go of the pole grip without losing the pole.


While 'strapped in' and attached to the pole, the ability to use the hands are slightly reduced. It is for that reason that the finnish ONE WAY brand developed an innovative system to easily detach the wrist strap from the pole grip. The Click Point system allows to take the hand off the pole with one single button while keeping the wrist strap on the hand.

This makes it more convenient to grab a water bottle or take out the car keys (without unstrapping). Also it allows for the wrist straps to easily be washed or replaced if needed.



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created by Patrick Burtscher, Founder Nordic Academy